
RRD stands for Round Robin Database, which works with a pre-configured, fixed amount of data. It's best known implementation, RRDtool, is at the heart of many monitoring and graphing systems, providing a convenient way to organize measurements against a timescale.

Accessing RRD databases from Perl

RRDtool provides a Perl module called RRDs for easy manipulation of RRD databases. However with documentation being minimal, the following test program demonstrates how to access and retrieve RRD information.

# ###################################################################### #
# file: v1.0                         #
# purpose:     Tests extracting the data source information from RRD's   #
# author:      02/23/2012 Frank4DD                                       #
#                                                                        #
# This program prints the data source names from a Nagiosgraph test RRD. #
# ###################################################################### #
use RRDs;

$rrdfile = "/srv/app/nagiosgraph/rrd/susie114/os_memory___memory.rrd";

# First, we load the RRD properties into a hash
$hash = RRDs::info $rrdfile;

foreach my $key (keys %$hash){
   # Debug: print all hash information:
   #print $key." = ".$hash->{$key}."\n";

   # Select the information for the data sources, starting with 'ds':
   # key            = value
   # ---------------+------
   # ds[swap].index = 1
   # ds[ram].index  = 0

   if ($key =~ /ds\[(.*)\].index/) {

      # The datasource name is inside brackets, here we extract them:
      $dsname = substr($key, index($key,"[")+1, rindex($key,"]")-index($key,"[")-1);

      print "DS: ".$dsname."\n";

A test run of this program returns the following output:

susie114:/home/fm # ./
DS: swap
DS: ram 

Additional Literature

Dowload Code:

RRD in Action: