
The example VBS script below shows how to upload and save a local file to a remote webserver using Microsoft VBS scripting. The upload method in this example is HTTP PUT, meaning that the webserver needs to be WebDAV-enabled. Since file upload is typically password-protected, the script implements access with basic authentication.

' https-upload.vbs 1.0  @2009 by Frank4dd
' This script demonstrates a file upload to a WebDAV enabled webserver,
' using https (and proxy settings from IE) with basic web authentication
' Original authors and code references:
' - "ASP - File upload with HTTP Put" by Martin Clark  
' This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute
' copies of it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

' Global Constants and Variables
Const scriptVer  = "1.0"
Const UploadDest = ""
Const UploadFile = "localpath-and-file"
Const UploadUser = "username"
Const UploadPass = "password"
Const UploadType = "binary"
dim strURL

function sendit()
  sData = getFileBytes(UploadFile, UploadType)
  sfileName= mid(UploadFile, InstrRev(UploadFile,"\")+1,len(UploadFile))
  dim xmlhttp
  set xmlhttp=createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
  strURL = UploadDest & "/" & UploadFile
  msgbox "Upload-URL: " & strURL
  xmlhttp.Open "PUT", strURL, false, UploadUser, UploadPass
  xmlhttp.Send sData
  Wscript.Echo "Upload-Status: " & xmlhttp.statusText
  set xmlhttp=Nothing
End function 

function showresult()
  Wscript.Echo "Complete. Check upload success at: " & strURL
end function

function getFileBytes(flnm, sType)
  Dim objStream
  Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  if sType="binary" then
    objStream.Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary
    objStream.Type = 2 ' adTypeText
    objStream.Charset ="ascii"
  end if
  objStream.LoadFromFile flnm
  if sType="binary" then
    getFileBytes=objStream.Read 'read binary'
    getFileBytes= objStream.ReadText 'read ascii'
  end if
  Set objStream = Nothing
end function

' End Function Defs, Start Main
' Get cmdline params and initialize variables
If Wscript.Arguments.Named.Exists("h") Then
  Wscript.Echo "Usage: https-upload.vbs"
  Wscript.Echo "version " & scriptVer
End If

' End Main


See Also: