
The example 'C' program certfprint.c demonstrates how to generate the fingerprint hash of a X.509 certificate, using the OpenSSL library functions.

Example Code Listing

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
 * file:        certfprint.c                                    *
 * purpose:     Example code creating certficate fingerprints   *
 * author:      06/12/2012 Frank4DD                             *
 *                                                              *
 * gcc -o certfprint certfprint.c -lssl -lcrypto                *
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>

int main() {
  const char cert_filestr[] = "./cert-file.pem";
  BIO              *certbio = NULL;
  BIO               *outbio = NULL;
  X509                *cert = NULL;
  const EVP_MD *fprint_type = NULL;
  int ret, j, fprint_size;
  unsigned char fprint[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];

  /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
   * These function calls initialize openssl for correct work.  *
   * ---------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
   * Create the Input/Output BIO's.                             *
   * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  certbio = BIO_new(BIO_s_file());
  outbio  = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE);

  /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
   * Load the certificate from file (PEM).                      *
   * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  ret = BIO_read_filename(certbio, cert_filestr);
  if (! (cert = PEM_read_bio_X509(certbio, NULL, 0, NULL))) {
    BIO_printf(outbio, "Error loading cert into memory\n");

  /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
   * Set the digest method and calculate the cert fingerprint   *
   * SHA-1 creates a 160bit hash, displayed as a 20 byte string *
   * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  fprint_type = EVP_sha1();

  if (!X509_digest(cert, fprint_type, fprint, &fprint_size))
    BIO_printf(outbio,"Error creating the certificate fingerprint.\n");

  /* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
   * Print the certificate fingerprint method, length and value *
   * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
  BIO_printf(outbio,"Fingerprint Method: %s\n",

  BIO_printf(outbio,"Fingerprint Length: %d\n", fprint_size);

  /* Microsoft Thumbprint-style: lowercase hex bytes with space */
  BIO_printf(outbio,"Fingerprint String: ");
  for (j=0; j<fprint_size; ++j) BIO_printf(outbio, "%02x ", fprint[j]);

  /* OpenSSL fingerprint-style: uppercase hex bytes with colon */
  //for (j=0; j<fprint_size; j++) {
  //  BIO_printf(outbio,"%02X%c", fprint[j], (j+1 == fprint_size) ?'\n':':');


Compiling the Code

Compile the test program with:

> gcc -o certfprint certfprint.c -lssl -lcrypto

Example Output

The program expects a certificate file called cert-file.pem in the same directory. If successful, the program will calculate the certificate fingerprint similar to the output shown below:

fm@susie114:~> ./certfprint
Fingerprint Method: SHA1
Fingerprint Length: 20
Fingerprint String: 3a ac 53 d7 c4 51 dc 06 25 c9 d2 4e 8e d4 ec 1e 98 8f 93 a5


Certificate thumbprints/fingerprints are used to uniquely identify a certificate. This is helpful for whitelisting certs in authentication, or for building the index in a certificate lookup table. There it is often a better value then the certificate issuer and serial number. A collision-safe algorithm should be used, SHA-1 is considered safe today while MD5 is increasingly dangerous to use.

Microsoft Windows certificate store thumbprint example

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